Video Chat Q&A
Our new Video Chat works on desktop and mobile devices! You no longer need Flash to access Video Chat or view cams.
This system allows you to go live with your webcam while chatting with members and view their live cams at the same time.
Can I use Video Chat on my mobile?
Yes! Video chat is now compatible with all mobile devices. Please note that if you're using an iPhone or iPad then the new Video Chat will only work in Safari.
If you are having trouble using Video Chat on your Apple device please read this help topic.
What browsers does Video Chat work on?
If you're on an iPhone or iPad then Video Chat will only work on Safari.
For other devices, it will work on most widely used browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
Unfortunately, the original Microsoft Internet Explorer browser is not compatible, but Microsoft have released a new version which you can download via this link:
How do I launch my webcam in Video Chat?
If you are having trouble using chat on your Apple device please read this help topic.
If you're still having issues accessing your webcam please contact Support.
Why is my cam not working?
First, please read the above answer to 'What browsers does Video Chat work on?'
If you are having trouble using your webcam on your Apple device please read this help topic.
If you're still having issues accessing your webcam please contact Support.
How do I see who's in Video Chat on a mobile device?
To see who's in chat click on the 'name' tab at the top of the chat page. You'll then see a list of all the members in chat.
How do I know which members have their live cams active?
When a member has their cam active you will see a video camera symbol next to their username.
How do I view a member's cam?
To view a member's cam click on the video camera icon next to their username in the list of members.
Alternatively, click on their username, you will then see a box up the top of the screen with their details, click on the purple 'Watch' button under their username, you should then see their cam appear in your cam dock.
How do I send a Whisper to another member?
To send a Whisper to a member, type the % symbol with the username next to it, type your message then press enter.
Whisper example:
You can also send a Whisper by clicking on the member's username in chat, then click the 'Whisper' button at the top of the page.
How do I change the background from dark to light mode?
To customise the way you view Video Chat click on the upside-down triangle symbol on the top right-hand corner of the screen > select 'Chat Settings' > then you can choose between light theme or dark theme.
What member type is each username colour?
Male is blue
Couples are orange
Non-Binary is purple
Groups are green
You will see your username in black.
How many cams can I view at one time?
Standard Members can view up to three different cams at one time, Premium Members can view up to four. If you would like to stop viewing one member's cam so you can add another cam to the dock, just click the X button on the member's cam you wish to delete.
How do I know who is watching my cam?
When a member is watching your cam you will see an eye symbol next to their username under the 'name' tab.
How do I report a member who is in breach of the Chat Terms of Use?
To report a member in chat click on the member's username > click the three dots to the right of their name up the top of the page > Select 'Report' from the drop-down.
How do I block a member in chat?
To block a member click on their username in chat, then click on the 3 dots to the right of their username up the top of the page, select 'Block' from the drop-down.
How do I log out of chat?
To log out click on the little arrow icon on the top right-hand corner of the screen or click on the Site's logo on the top left-hand corner of the page
Need more help?
If you have any questions that aren't covered here or you need further assistance with accessing the new chat system please contact support.