Noticeboard Submission Guidelines & Terms of Use

Noticeboard Submission Guidelines

These guidelines are laid out to clarify how Terms of Use of this site is applied when adding a Notice to the Noticeboard. Therefore these guidelines should always be read in conjunction with Terms of Use of this site. The Noticeboard is designed for our members to directly communicate to you and it is out of our control who and how they will respond to your advertisement. So please use caution when disclosing your personal information and advertise at your own risk.

1. Eligibility

- Only members whose profiles are approved and hold current Gold or Platinum membership may add a notice.

- Viewing and responding to the notice is open to all members.

2. Absolute Discretion to Giga Pty Ltd (“we”, “us”, and “our”) 

- We have absolute discretion in approval of notices. We reserve the right to edit the contents of the notice and we may remove the notice at any time at our sole discretion.

- We may terminate or suspend your account at our discretion:

1) where you breached these terms for the Noticeboard;

2) where we receive a complaint about you; and

3) for any reason we deem appropriate.

3. Frequency of Advertisement
Multiple posts in a week promoting the same goods & services will be rejected. Repeated breach will result in a ban from posting further notices.

4. Accepted Content

- The Noticeboard can be used to advertise goods, services and information that is deemed to be of interest of our members.
Examples are:

- goods and services for sale or wanted;

- promotion of well organized events and gatherings;

- invitations to private gatherings and parties

- notices are restricted to the state/region in which the goods & services are available. Notices that are deemed to have wider appeal may be granted to post in wider area than availability at our sole discretion.

5. Prohibited Content
Notices shall not contain content which:

- is not in the best interests of our members

- is more suited to personal messages on the site;

- involves solicitation or unlawful activities;

- contains the URL of websites which predominantly promote or navigate to other dating services;

- harasses, defames, degrades, libels, intimidates or is hateful toward an individual or group;

- is false, deceptive, misleading or deceitful

- you don’t have the authorisation to post or is an infringement of privacy

- makes claims without valid ground, eg. “the best”

- contains graphics of any nature

- has risk of causing damage to our business, goodwill or reputation or are not in our best interests

- infringes anyone’s intellectual property

- does not comply with Clause 8 of Terms of Use of this site

- is sensitive financial information

6. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity
Please refer clause 11 of Terms of Use of this site.