Soggy Sao, An Urban Myth?

A True Story

I don't know how many times, when talking to friends & acquaintences, the subject of "Soggy Sao" comes up. For those of you who haven't heard of it, "Soggy Sao" is a game played by teenage males. There's usually half a dozen of them (or more) who stand around in somewhat of a circle, wanking madly til they ejaculate . . . and yes, you guessed it!. . . all over a sao biscuit (trust me, you'll never look at biscuits the same way again). Now , here "cums' the cruncher! The last to shoot his load, has to EAT the sao.(am I hearing a collective groan or "That's disgusting!" or even perhaps, "yummmmmmmm"). Well I'm here to bear witness that this game existed.

I grew up in the country. My parents, for some strange reason thought I was becoming a juvenile delinquint (OK, so I went joyriding on a tractor with an older cousin!!!). I got packed off to a Catholic Boarding School, here in Sydney. I think dad thought the Marist Brothers would thrash some discipline into me (back in the bad old days of the cane/strap. In fact,I was actually a "model student")

After being there for a couple of months, some fellow students asked me to join their "Soggy Sao" group. There were students of various ages in the group. I had no problems getting a hard-on, but wanking in front of a group of other lads, made me nervous. I always seemed to cum last and . . yep . . .had to eat the sao. First time, I thought I'd be sick, maybe even die from eating 6 or 7 different loads of semen on the sao. After about the 3rd or 4th time of being last, I have to admit, I kinda got the "taste" for it. Silly me, though! At first, I thought it was the Saos, so I went out & bought a packet of Saos. Ate half a packet before I realized it wasn't the Saos, but the "topping".

It was also during those school years, that I discovered 'beats'. The school had it's own sports field (about maybe half a km away from the school grounds). We would have to march over there to play sport. We passed a park with a sports ground, on the way. One day,I said to no one in particular, "Why can't we play on that field. (pointing to the one in the park). One of the prefects turned round and said, "Don;t you know anything? THAT'S for the general public! Besides, my older brother says you shouldn't go there. Everyone knows those toilets are where the COCKSUCKERS go!" (yeah . . .you guessed right again) After that announcement, I was scaling those school walls every night, like an "alley cat" and heading off to the toilets to suck dick & seek out fresh sperm. (forget about Soggy Sao, I'd cum to wanting to suck it out of the "source"). I still have fond memories of those days and am constantly amazed to find that guys think "Soggy Sao" is a myth. I'm here to say - it isn't. It happened & it led me to becoming the cocksucker & "cum - junkie" I am today. Vive la Sao! Vive la sperm!